Maker Update and Gar's Tips are doing a giveaway! We'll be giving away 5 copies of my new book, Tips and Tales from the Workshop, Vol 2 and a grand prize of Volume 1, Vol 2, and the beautiful 3rd edition gift box of The Maker's Notebook (one of my projects while I was at Make:). All you have to do is go to this Maker Update episode on YouTube and leave a tip, tool, hack, whatever, in the comments. We'll select the winners from there.
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Gareth's Tips, Tools, and Shop Tales - Issue…
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Maker Update and Gar's Tips are doing a giveaway! We'll be giving away 5 copies of my new book, Tips and Tales from the Workshop, Vol 2 and a grand prize of Volume 1, Vol 2, and the beautiful 3rd edition gift box of The Maker's Notebook (one of my projects while I was at Make:). All you have to do is go to this Maker Update episode on YouTube and leave a tip, tool, hack, whatever, in the comments. We'll select the winners from there.