You know those tips you try after seeing them on YouTube or reading about them in tips newsletters (yes, like this one) and they frankly suck? I want to hear about them. Send me tips that you've tried that seriously did not perform as advertised. I want to gather up a list of DON'T try this at home tips.***Like what you see? Spread the word (and the link). And, as always, please share your favorite tips and shop tales with me. I love getting email from my readers!
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Gareth's Tips, Tools, and Shop Tales - Issue…
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You know those tips you try after seeing them on YouTube or reading about them in tips newsletters (yes, like this one) and they frankly suck? I want to hear about them. Send me tips that you've tried that seriously did not perform as advertised. I want to gather up a list of DON'T try this at home tips.***Like what you see? Spread the word (and the link). And, as always, please share your favorite tips and shop tales with me. I love getting email from my readers!